Existing Technology
The Factory was using a combination of High Bay Metal Halide 400W and Low Bay T8 Twin 6’ Fluorescent 140W Lighting.
As a Railway Component manufacturer they have to produce high quality products to meet the standards of the Railway industry.
With the Metal Halide lights they had experimented with using Low Energy fluorescent Cob Lamps, however these proved to have a short life and low Lumen output causing issues of safety and quality control. Often as with Tiflex had experienced additional Fluorescents were installed to supplement the poor lighting. This means that their energy costs would be increased.
Ledlights4you introduced the 180W High Bay tubes producing 23,000 Lumen and 44W Twin LED Battens producing 4,840 Lumen as a standard replacement throughout the plant. Tiflex have been replacing all their lighting throughout the plant since 2015 Lighting standards are now improved over the previous Metal Halides and Fluorescents showing a 60% Energy saving
Project Cost |
£26,000 |
Saving 5 Years |
Excess £50,000 |
Carbon Saving |
10 tCO2 |