How Carbon Footprinting could benefit your business

Given the immediate threat of Covid-19 it’s easy to forget about the even bigger threat of climate change. However now could be just the right time for you to invest in Carbon Footprinting for your business.

The lockdown has renewed our sense of community and heightened our appreciation of the environment we live in. Despite the undoubted tragedy and frustrations of lockdown, only 9% of people in the UK say they want to return to “normal” after the crisis, giving cleaner air, emptier roads and less time driving as some of the reasons. In times of crisis, people take note of which businesses get stuck into helping address the crisis and which sit back. With over 60% of people recognising climate change is just a serious a threat as Covid-19, they will be expecting businesses to play a role in tackling it.

Over the coming months, as the virus situation starts to come under control, people will start to look ahead to the climate emergency. So now is the time for forward thinking businesses to take a lead by developing their climate strategy. If you are going to take it seriously, the first step is to understand what your Carbon Footprint is and how much each of the activities you do contribute towards it. This can get quite complex, and smaller businesses typically have not had the time to do it themselves nor the funds to employ an expensive consultant to help.

Help is now at hand. “Go Climate Positive” is a new community dedicated to helping businesses take positive steps to tackle the climate emergency. They can help you to calculate and offset your carbon footprint, set sensible goals to reduce it and give you a certificate to show you mean it. Designed to be as affordable as possible their membership fees are simple and transparent too with annual and monthly payment options.

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